Join Me at the Michigan Lean Consortium Annual Conference in August!

I’m excited to share my breakout session at the Michigan Lean Consortium Annual Conference! In this session, I dive into the critical role of Psychological Safety as a Foundation for Continuous Improvement. We explore how fostering an environment where team members feel safe to share ideas, take risks, and learn from mistakes can drive remarkable […]

14 Executive Skills Middle Managers Need To Become Senior Leaders

On Forbes: 14 Executive Skills Middle Managers Need To Become Senior Leaders While leaders at all levels need effective communication skills to succeed, the required interpersonal competencies can vary significantly between the C-suite and middle management. Generally speaking, lower-level managers are often more involved in direct, task-specific interactions with employees, whereas executives need to master […]

The Grand Tour of German Automotive—BMW Berlin Motorbikes

The last plant of BMW I visited in Germany was in Spandau, Berlin. This was different from BMW Munich and Leipzig. For one, it makes motorbikes, not cars. But its performance was also not as stellar as the best of (German) benchmark plants Leipzig and Munich. But despite some issues, it still performed on an […]

How Effective is Your Poka-Yoke?

Poka-yoke or mistake-proofing is the use of process design features to facilitate correct actions, prevent simple errors, or mitigate the negative impact of errors. It is essentially used to make the process easier. To assess how effective your solution is, you must look at three factors: the power of the mistake-proofing solution, whether it can be overridden, and […]

Celebrating 13 Years with KaiNexus and Its Improvement Platform!

This month marks 13 years of my formal association with KaiNexus. I’ve been around longer than our mascot, Ofie, seen below. As I often say, I’ve always had a part-time role, but also have a FULL belief in the mission, the team, the product, and our customers’ purpose. Thanks to Gregory Jacobson and Matthew Paliulis […]

Taiichi Ohno and Flow

Why was Taiichi Ohno so interested in getting material and information to flow, and why is it still important to do so today? Achieving material and information flow would allow Toyota to more closely synchronize supply with customer demand, in addition to the quality and lead-time reduction benefits. Ohno-san was also concerned about how overproduction […]

Misaligned Expectations

Of the few hundred thousand people worldwide who have bonded with Lean management over the last 36 years, the vast majority surely are disappointed, to greater or lesser extents, due to misaligned expectations. Lean professionals’ cause, at first, seemed both righteous and straightforward. And they probably thought that the logic and sensibility of Lean management […]

Enhance Your Equipment Reliability with Preventive Maintenance

Equipment reliability is paramount in today’s competitive manufacturing environment. Preventive maintenance (PM) is a proactive approach to ensuring machinery operates efficiently and minimizes unplanned downtime. By adopting a robust PM program, companies can extend the lifespan of their equipment, reduce costly repairs, and maintain consistent production quality. Key Benefits of Preventive Maintenance Extended Equipment Lifespan: […]

A Four-Step Guide to Reducing Maintenance Expenses

In today’s challenging economic climate, cutting maintenance costs has become imperative for many asset-intensive industries. Maintenance budgets often account for 20% to 40% of the total annual budget, making them prime targets for cost reduction. Here’s how you can strategically reduce maintenance costs without compromising on quality and efficiency. Understanding Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are […]

Project Management Career Paths and Certifications: What You Need to Know

Are you considering a career in project management? This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the essential skills, career paths, education options, and certification processes needed to excel in this dynamic field. Essential Skills for Project Managers Project management demands a blend of soft and hard skills: Soft Skills: Leadership: Inspiring and guiding teams. Delegation: […]

True And False Alarms in Quality Control

In his latest article in Quality Digest, Don Wheeler celebrates the 100th anniversary of Shewhart’s control charts. He describes the use of these charts for process control as follows: “A baseline period is used to compute limits that define what a predictable process is likely to produce, and then these limits are used with additional […]

Essential Quality Tools for Effective Process Improvement

Quality management is essential for ensuring the efficiency and reliability of processes across various industries. Understanding and applying the right quality tools can significantly improve the achievement of optimal results. Let’s explore some key quality tools instrumental in process improvement and product quality assurance, along with examples for each. Acceptance Sampling Plan This tool helps […]

Lean Quote: Embrace Every Setback as a Stepping Stone to Success!

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]

Operational Excellence Examples for Business Growth

Operational excellence is the continuous pursuit of improvement in an organization’s processes and systems to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and agility. It involves streamlining operations, reducing waste, optimizing resources, and enhancing productivity to deliver high-quality products or services at lower costs and faster speeds. The impact of operational excellence on business growth is profound. By improving […]

A Lack of Respect for People on the Balance Sheet

We often see the phrase “People are our most important asset” on conference room walls, in company policies, annual reports, and frequently repeated by many so-called leaders. But can they prove it where it really counts—on their financial statements? Unfortunately, traditional GAAP and IFRS accounting make this very difficult. Many assets have clearly defined financial […]

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: June 13, 2024

Thanks, as always, to Ryan McCormack for this. He always shares so much good reading, listening, and viewing here! Subscribe to get these directly from Ryan via email. News, articles, books, podcasts, and videos about how to make the workplace better. Operational Excellence, Improvement, and Innovation Toyota admits to cheating on vehicle testing Toyota has […]

Psychological Safety vs. Psychological Comfort: Understanding the Distinction

The Big Picture: In the Lean community and beyond, some people mistakenly equate “psychological safety” with being comfortable all the time. This misconception can undermine the true essence of psychological safety in the workplace. What Psychological Safety Really Means Psychological safety is not about constant comfort or shielding managers from discomfort. Synthesizing a few definitions […]

Achieving Manufacturing Excellence: The Right First Time Approach

Introduction to Right First Time (RFT) Right First Time (RFT) is a critical manufacturing metric that emphasizes producing goods that meet quality standards on the first attempt without requiring rework. This principle is fundamental in Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, aiming to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and ensure customer satisfaction. Organizations can significantly improve their […]

Five Reasons Your Team Won’t Take Responsibility and How You Change Can That

Things don’t get done unless people take responsibility. And in organizations, leaders and team members must take responsibility to move the vision, and the overall organization, forward. So, why do team members sometimes abdicate responsibility? What holds them back from stepping up when things are on the line? While the reasons can be numerous, here […]

How a Lean Transformation and Framework Facilitate Innovative Business Strategies

In an era where efficiency and agility are paramount, Lean business transformation has emerged as a pivotal strategy for organizations aiming to streamline operations and enhance value creation. By adopting Lean principles, companies can significantly reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate time-to-market. In today’s dynamic business environment, the Lean method is prized for its adaptability […]

Embracing Creative Tensions: Wendy K. Smith on Both/And Thinking and Lean Leadership

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #507 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Wendy K. Smith, co-author of the book Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems. She will also be one of the featured keynote speakers at the 40th anniversary of the AME […]

19 | Master the Art of Persuasion with Derek Roberts

Transform Resistance Into Buy-In Are you struggling to get your senior team on board with your vision for change, to get buy-in for a new initiative, or to get leaders to sign on to your services as a coach or consultant? Good news. Leading through influence and persuasion can make this happen. In this episode, […]

Breaking Down Different Types of Business Transformation Strategy — and Why It Should Matter to You

In the increasingly complex and rapidly evolving world in which we operate, business transformation has become crucial for organizations striving to stay competitive and relevant. Business transformation refers to the fundamental and profound changes an organization undergoes to adapt to new market conditions, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer behavior. It encompasses many initiatives to reshape […]

We Enjoy the Comfort of Opinion without the Discomfort of Thought

I recently rediscovered a great quote from President John F. Kennedy. It was during Lehigh University’s commencement, where I was observing my daughter Emma’s graduation. The original quote is from Kennedy’s commencement speech at Yale University on June 11th, 1962, and was echoed by Lehigh’s President Joseph Helble in his remarks. The core of the […]

The Grand Tour of German Automotive—BMW Leipzig

The second BMW plant I visited was in Leipzig. This modern greenfield plant had a very good material flow, where especially the finger line impressed me a lot. In terms of efficiency it was the best-performing plant in Germany, shortly after Munich, and on par with Toyota. It was also exceptionally clean. The only flaw […]

Upcoming Shingo Webinar on Learning From Mistakes and Psychological Safety

I’m excited that the Shingo Institute asked me to present a webinar on June 18th: Click here to register for the webinar They’ve also published an article that I wrote: Psychological Safety: The Key to Effective Andon Cord Pulls and Continuous Improvement The webinar description: Join us for an engaging webinar as we explore the […]

Why is laughter important in business?

By Pascal Dennis (bio) Because it makes things small and personal — and thereby helps to dispel Big Company Disease. Big companies take themselves seriously. Laughter punctures the balloon and drenches things in the light of sanity. For organizations big & small, I’d say “embrace your inner smallness”. I give a talk called “Everything I […]

Obeya – Introducing The Lean War Room Article

Projects are important for generating growth for organizations. Successful projects don’t just happen; they require hard work and collaboration from both project managers and team members to ensure all tasks are completed and goals are met, on time and on budget. However, many projects ultimately fail or are abandoned because the team does not work […]

Memorial Day Lessons: Leadership Behaviors

Memorial Day is a valuable holiday to reflect on those that have served our Country. As we think about this holiday let’s also take a pause, practice a little mindfulness, and take stock of our behaviors. Because when it really comes down to it, our behaviors are all we truly have control over.  Whether in […]

Lean Roundup #179 – May 2024

A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of May 2024.  You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.     Lean as Alternative Medicine – Bob Emiliani shares his thoughts on what he believes Taiichi Ohno might think of what Lean has become today and what he might say to […]

Lean Quote: True Lean is a Mindset

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]

Lean Tips Edition #300 (#3526 – #3540)

For my Facebook fans you already know about this great feature. But for those of you that are not connected to A Lean Journey on Facebook or Twitter I post daily a feature I call Lean Tips.  It is meant to be advice, things I learned from experience, and some knowledge tidbits about Lean to […]

Meet-up: 5 Questions from Within the Lean Community With Pascal Dennis

This past month A Lean Journey Blog turned 15 and as I look back on how I got started and who influenced my journey I wanted to revisit a previous series I started in 2012 called the Meet-up. One of the things I am so found of in the Lean community is the general wiliness […]

Lean Quote: Love What You Do and You Will Be Successful

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]