The Grand Tour of German Automotive—Porsche Assembly Lines

In my previous post I looked at Porsche and the Porsche plants in Zuffenhausen near Stuttgart and the plant in Leipzig. In this post I will go deeper and look at three final assembly lines in these two plants. In Zuffenhausen I visited two final assembly lines, the 911 and 718, as well as the […]

From Commands to Collaboration: Lessons in Respectful and Effective Workplace Signage

In the world of continuous improvement and Lean management, clear and respectful communication is crucial. Let’s take a moment to examine two different approaches to communicating a simple instruction regarding the operation of a centrifuge, as seen in the images below — pictures I took in a hospital laboratory I was working with 15 years […]

Meet-up: 5 Questions from Within the Lean Community With Paul Critchley

In May 2024 A Lean Journey Blog turned 15 and as I look back on how I got started and who influenced my journey I wanted to revisit a previous series I started in 2012 called the Meet-up. One of the things I am so fond of in the Lean community is the general wiliness […]

Thoughts on the UK Lean Summit 2024 Keynote

At the UK Lean Summit on 23 April 2024, James Womack gave a keynote presentation titled “Lean Thinking: Past, Present, and Future” (transcript is here). As I am known to do, being a leadership analyst, I will highlight some key passages that caught my attention and provide commentary. Definitely not root cause. 🤥 Womack: “Dan […]

Lean Missionaries

At the UK Lean Summit on 23 April 2024, James Womack gave a keynote presentation titled “Lean Thinking: Past, Present, and Future” (transcript is here). As I am known to do, I would like to highlight some key passages that caught my attention and offer some comments. Womack: “Dan Jones is my partner of 45 […]

Is the System Creating Enough Lean Leaders?

We do not live in a static world. Things change dynamically and at varying rates. An important dynamic that Lean promoters and practitioners should pay attention to is the high rate at which business leaders are trained in classical management compared to the low rate at which business leaders are trained in Lean management. And […]

Lean Quote: Extraordinary Leaders Inspire and Influence

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]

Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: July 26, 2024

Thanks, as always, to Ryan McCormack for this. He always shares so much good reading, listening, and viewing here! Subscribe to get these directly from Ryan via email. News, articles, books, podcasts, and videos about how to make the workplace better. Operational Excellence, Improvement, and Innovation I was working in healthcare in 2009 when the WHO […]

Waste in All of Industry

Everyone is familiar with Taiichi Ohno’s seven wastes in manufacturing processes. But let’s zoom out from the seven wastes that exist in one specific company to the seven wastes that exist in all of U.S. industry — or for whatever country you care to consider because the situation will be the same as that described […]

Utilizing the Learning Lab as an Enterprise User

Content from the Learning Lab can be leveraged in many ways, from structured workshops, in-person training, individualized learning, or integration with a transformational project. In this video course, learn how you can develop your best applications with the content, with the significant chunk of the time spent demonstrating how to develop virtual structured applied-learning workshops […]

From Football to Your Workplace: Why a Lone Wolf Can’t Transform An Organization

Imagine an NFL team that has been on a losing streak for decades. The owner, who has been at the helm for years, believes that finding the right coach will solve the team’s woes. Every few years (or sometimes more often), the owner blames and fires the coach and hires a new one, but the […]


I don’t like people who dismiss you [Bob]. I may disagree with you but I don’t dismiss you. You’ve provided immense value. — Mr. N.T. To understand such a thing, one needs a rational explanation, which is provided in the quote below by Robert Michels from his 1915 book, Political Parties (p. 24). You see, […]

10 Principles of Kaizen to Maximize Productivity

An essential element in Lean thinking is Kaizen. Kaizen is the Japanese name for continuous improvement. While Kaizen is really about improvement involving everyone everyday it is often associated with a structured event. It is the technique that improves quality, productivity, safety, and workplace culture. Kaizen focuses on applying small, daily changes that result in […]

Failing Forward: An Interview with Sam Yankelevitch on Lean, Communication, and Innovation

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #511 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Sam Yankelevitch, a distinguished global operations executive who has dedicated his career to advancing Lean principles, effective communication, and innovative problem-solving. Sam’s journey began with managing international projects and optimizing processes in various industries. […]

22 | Leading to Learn Part 2: The Power of Reflection with Isao Yoshino

 Continuous Learning through Hansei – Reflection Have you ever paused to reflect on the critical moments of your life and realized their impact on your own trajectory and others’ lives? In this special episode of Chain of Learning, I welcome back Isao Yoshino as we celebrate our decade-long partnership and the anniversary of our […]

Action, Reaction

An obviously fake poster produced to illustrate how action leads to reaction. What a huge miscalculation! When the term “Lean production” was introduced in the fall of 1988 by the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, they thought that business leaders would immediately see its merits and quickly shift from traditional batch-and-queue production system to […]

Sales Success Does Not Equal Change

Lean management has long been a big money-maker for many individuals and consulting companies. But here we are, four decades after the word “Lean” entered the business lexicon, and not much has changed. The obvious conclusion is that success in selling Lean is inversely proportional to change; meaning, the change in top leaders’ preconceptions that […]

5 Things You Should Do To Become a Thought Leader In Your Industry

On Authority Magazine: 5 Things You Should Do To Become a Thought Leader In Your Industry   Thank you for taking the time to speak with us! Our readers are eager to learn more about you. Could you provide some background information about yourself?   I’ve founded or co-founded 5 companies, actively invested in 30, […]

The Grand Tour of German Automotive—Porsche Overview

Porsche is part of the Volkswagen group. Yet, this luxury sports car maker maintained its own style and the shop floor feels (and performs) different from the Volkswagen group. In this blog post, I will look deeper into the main plant in Zuffenhausen and the second manufacturing location in Germany, Leipzig. The next blog post […]

Lean Tips Edition #302 (#3556 – #3570)

For my Facebook fans you already know about this great feature. But for those of you that are not connected to A Lean Journey on Facebook or Twitter I post daily a feature I call Lean Tips.  It is meant to be advice, things I learned from experience, and some knowledge tidbits about Lean to […]

Understanding Slow Decisions: How “Motivational Interviewing” Can Help at Work

Think about the last time you made a major career decision. I’m thinking of one of mine, in particular. Was it about leaving a job for a new one? Changing directions in your career altogether? Was it a debate about which of the job offers you would accept? How easy was that? How long did […]

Rankings and Bump Charts

Hectar’s Audrey Bourolleau and Francis Nappez presented their findings about greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial production of bread baguettes at the 2024 Lean Summit in France. They see a major impact in (1) farming and (2) the production of fertilizer and plant protection products. Together, these categories account for 58% of total emissions but […]

Designing an Operational Excellence Management System

Operational Excellence (OpEx) is a strategic approach thatfocuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes to achieve superior performance. In the manufacturing sector, OpEx encompasses a range of methodologies and practices designed to streamline operations, reduce waste, enhance quality, and increase productivity.  For manufacturing leaders, designing and implementing a robust operational excellence management […]

Explore the Best Operational Excellence Model | KaiNexus

“Operational excellence begins with having the right strategy, but it’s realized through relentless focus on execution and continuous improvement.” Jeff Bezos – Amazon Operational excellence is crucial for business leaders aiming for continuous improvement because it establishes a framework for consistently delivering high-quality products and services while optimizing processes and reducing waste. By focusing on […]

Unlocking Key Maintenance Metrics

Maintenance metrics are crucial for any organization aiming to optimize its maintenance operations and enhance the reliability of its systems. Let’s explore four essential maintenance metrics: Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), Failure Rate, and Reliability. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Definition: MTBF is a measure of how reliable a system […]

Lean Quote: Leadership Character Plays Role in Performance

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]

What is Quality?

Professionals working on quality don’t usually discuss what it is. Instead, they assume a shared understanding that often isn’t there. Individuals with training in different approaches generalize from different experiences and talk past each other. In meetings, these divergent views are often not aired; in the uninhibited environment of social media, on the other hand, […]

Throwback Thursday: Engaging Staff as Problem Solvers Leads to Continuous Improvement at Allina Health

I don’t think I ever shared this article that I co-authored and had published in 2014… so it’s time for another “Throwback Thursday.” I’ll share a summary of it here in this post. I think this still applies here in 2024. In the evolving healthcare landscape, fostering a culture of continuous improvement is essential for […]

Mastering Large Scale Problem Solving: Patrick Elwer of Intel Shares His Key Insights

  In this episode of the People Solve Problems podcast, host Jamie Flinchbaugh is joined by Patrick Elwer, a Senior Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. Patrick brings over 34 years of experience to the table, with a significant portion of his career dedicated to improving Intel’s work processes using lean product development principles and agile […]

The Anti-Lean Movement

Introduction: The Lean movement is visible and vocal but small and weak. But did you know there is also a vibrant anti-Lean movement? The anti-Lean movement is invisible and quiet but large and strong. It is comprised of tens of millions of CEOs worldwide who make the decision, past and present, to resist, reject, or […]

From Strategy to Execution: Webinar Preview with Karen Friedenberg

Are you looking to transform your business strategy into actionable results? Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework: A Journey of Transformation,” presented by Karen Friedenberg. This insightful session will take place on July 23 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET. It’s part of the free KaiNexus Continuous Improvement […]

Genba Scientists and Scientific Thinking

Scientific thinking has become very popular within the Lean community since the publication of Toyota Kata in 2009. If something is popular in the business world, it often means that it is recognized as conceptually easy to grasp, easy to do, easy to talk about, or all three. When something becomes popular, it is likely […]

3 Principles and 4 Rules to Remember that Will Guide Your Lean Journey

Lean manufacturing is the continuous improvement methodology of choice for companies around the world. It’s a people-oriented practice that focuses on reducing production lead times within your operations. These practices create a framework that emphasizes eliminating activities that do not add value for the customer, and focuses on reducing cycle, flow, and throughput times. These […]

Immobilized by Preconceptions

Preconceptions enter our brains without being aware that it is happening. They are formed prior to experience and in the absence of reasoning. Preconceptions are powerful because they come to us from authority figures and as such they become embedded in the realm of spiritual belief and even superstitions. Therefore, people are strongly attached to […]