Metrics Madness

My career in industry was limited at times by my unwillingness to do as I was told. Despite that, I earned high marks and was rated as a “high potential” employee throughout my career. Here is one of the things that I had difficulty with: stupid metrics. Click to view presentation. Specifically, metrics that were […]

What Is Business Process Improvement? The Complete Guide | KaiNexus

Business process improvement (BPI) is the systematic approach of analyzing, optimizing, and enhancing existing business processes to achieve better efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance. It involves identifying areas for improvement, implementing changes, and monitoring the outcomes to drive positive results within an organization. The goal of business process management is to streamline workflows, eliminate inefficiencies, […]

That’s True, As Far As It Goes

The essay, “The False Promise of ‘Practical’ Education” (CHE, 19 May 2014, subscription required), by Michael S. Roth, president of Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, delivers a wonderful defense of liberal arts education. In past blog posts, I too have defended liberal arts education (here and here), though not as eloquently. Yet, there is a limitation in […]

Lean Quote: 3 Rules for Better Work-Life Balance

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on […]

When Leaders Improve, Everyone Improves

“No” is a bad word for leaders to say. It broadcasts to people, “Don’t try new things,” “Don’t experiment with different ways to correct the problem,” and “Don’t take action when problems arise.” It shut’s down people’s minds and disables the uniquely human challenge to make things better through thinking and creativity. Unfortunately, organizations are hierarchies […]

Engaging Colleagues and Administrators

A professor asked the following question: “One of the items that stands out from your writing is the need for leadership. Given the (at best) lukewarm reception so far for Lean in higher education, the question is: What are we doing wrong? Why are we failing to engage colleagues and administrators? What different strategies could […]

The Musician And The Manager

My son, Michael, started playing trombone in 4th grade, played in high school band, and in the first two years of college. In his sophomore year of high school, Mike took up the electric bass. While his trombone playing was good, it was his bass playing that amazed me. He developed a passion for that sound […]

Top Process Improvement Tools to Enhance Performance | KaiNexus

Organizations implement process improvement initiatives, using various process improvement tools, to drive operational excellence, enhance customer value, achieve cost savings, and remain competitive in their respective industries. By continuously evaluating and improving their business processes, companies can continuously evaluate and improve their processes to adapt to changing market dynamics, deliver superior products or services, and […]

How to Perform an Effective Gemba Walk?

Instead of sitting in your office and expecting different results from your team, go and see where the real work happens. In today’s blog, we list the seven steps you should follow to perform an effective Gemba walk. But first, let’s get into what a Gemba walk is. What is a Gemba Walk? Gemba is […]

Skilled Educational Labor

In the article “More than MOOCs” (Academe, May-June 2014), author Jonathan Rees makes a good case that academic freedom must include not only what professors teach, but how they teach. The combination of knowledge of the content and pedagogy appropriate to the content represents skilled educational labor, which risks being displaced by MOOcs and the […]

Human Superstorms

The eight wastes – overproduction, waiting, transportation, processing, inventory, movement, defects, behaviors – plus unevenness and unreasonableness. Where do they come from? Are they naturally occurring phenomena? No. They come from people. Waste, unevenness and unreasonableness are the product of how people conceptualize, design, and execute work processes, human imperfections, how people lead others in hierarchical organizations, […]

Don’t Wait For Your Leaders

A recurring conversations that I have with many people pertains to how profoundly disappointed they are with their leaders because they are not progressive and lack interest in Lean management. They struggle to convince senior managers to embrace Lean and wish they had a boss like Art Byrne, who, through daily practice, learned how to […]

Lean Higher Ed Conference – Day 1

The 2nd International Lean Six Sigma Conference for Higher Education was held at HAN University of Applied Sciences on 2-3 June 2014 in Arnhem, The Netherlands (click here to see conference participants standing in front of the giant pink aardvark sculpture). The conference objectives were three-fold: How to get teaching staff and administration on-board Set […]

The Purpose of Leadership

What is the purpose of leadership? After reading my paper, you might need a big rethink!  Comment from one of the reviewers: “The notion of two distinct views of the purpose of leadership, versus the assumption of one singular, universally agreed upon purpose — and the consequent gap this produces — is a helpful and valuable […]

A new strategy for a new era

WEB SERIES – In the second episode of our docuseries on lean in Chile, we learn how, with a clear purpose and strong commitment from leadership, SKC is transforming its processes and mindset and building a competitive advantage.  Scripted, edited and narrated by: Roberto Priolo This organization sells and maintains equipment for a variety of industries. […]

Lean Higher Ed Conference – Day 2

The 2nd International Lean Six Sigma Conference for Higher Education was held at HAN University of Applied Sciences on 2-3 June 2014 in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Here are some Day 2 conference highlights (Day 1 conference highlights are here): DAY 2: June 3 2014 Two faculty from the Academy of Information Technology, Media, and Communication […]

The Mistakes That Made “The Mistakes That Make Us” – First Editions

Bottom Line Up Front: I wrote a book about mistakes. That book was published… with some mistakes. Since it’s a book about learning from mistakes, that’s the intent of this post. Initial Reflections: As I’ve hosted a podcast about learning from mistakes (which led to a book), there are a few key points that I […]

Thoughts on Lean Higher Ed Conference

At the 2nd International Lean Six Sigma Conference for Higher Education (click to read Day 1 and Day 2 highlights), three speakers presented the view that Lean in higher education is failing or that higher education is distinct from other application domains and adjustments have not been made by practitioners that are necessary to succeed. […]

The Implied Threat

In my previous blog post, “Don’t Wait For Your Leaders,” I said that most top leaders will never “get it” when it comes to Lean management. Why is that? It is because Lean management represents an implied threat to top leaders. The threat, simply put is as follows: “You’ve been doing a bad job.” or “Everything […]

The 10 Principles of Operational Excellence

The dictionary defines “principle” as “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or a chain of reasoning.” Principles help us see the positive and negative results of our actions. They enable us to make smarter decisions about what we choose to do. In business, when […]

Explaining the “unreasonable effectiveness” of Agile

Anyone who has worked in an environment where Agile is working well will agree: when it’s great, it’s really great. However, this post is not about what separates the great from the mediocre or worse (for that I would recommend my 2019 book Right to Left), but about Agile’s impact on the organisation more broadly. […]

Lean Teaching Visual Controls

Visual controls are an important part of Lean management. They are simple and practical ways of reminding us of what to do or not do, and signal to us the existence of abnormal conditions. In addition, they are fun to create and an opportunity to share ideas and improve teamwork. Last year I posted a […]

Leadership Behaviors: The Path To Lean Culture

Part 1 of a 3 part post. Don’t forget to also read parts 2 and 3.  One of the things that interested me since the very beginning of my Lean experience 20 years ago is the relationship between leadership behaviors and information flow. More recently, I have also become interested in the time function of […]

Paul Critchley Interviews Mark Graban About “The Mistakes That Make Us”

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more For Episode #480 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast turns the tables, as regular host Mark Graban is interviewed today by a guest host, his friend Paul Critchley. Paul was previously the host of the New England Lean Podcast and he’s been a guest of Mark’s […]

More Than Leadership Behaviors

Part 2 of a 3 part post. Don’t forget to also read parts 1 and 3.  It would be wonderful if changing a few leadership behaviors were all that were need to become a capable Lean leader and achieve Lean transformation success. But there is much more to it than meets the eye, and so […]

Lean Tips Edition #206 (#3301 – #3315)

For my Facebook fans you already know about this great feature. But for those of you that are not connected to A Lean Journey on Facebook or Twitter I post daily a feature I call Lean Tips.  It is meant to be advice, things I learned from experience, and some knowledge tidbits about Lean to […]

The Clear Solution: Leadership Processes

Part 3 of a 3 part post. Don’t forget to also read parts 1 and 2.  In the previous two blog posts, “Leadership Behaviors: The Path To Lean Culture” and “More Than Leadership Behaviors,” I shared with you the development of my work on Lean leadership from the mid-1990s to the early-2000s. Lean behaviors (1995) Leadership […]

No Confidence In No Confidence Votes

No confidence votes by faculty against top administrators are a common occurrence in higher education. It seem that no confidence votes come about for one primary reason: The president or provost does not know how to lead people. The problems cited are typically general in nature, such as incompetence, dictatorial leadership style, lack of transparency, and […]

The Value Of A Professor

What is the value of a professor? This is an increasingly important question as administrators evaluate options for teaching courses beyond the use of full-time and adjunct professors. If we cannot articulate our value to students and to our university leaders – and back it up with actual results – then our role in higher […]

Settings For Lean Success

When we think of a process to make a product or service, we must be concerned about various settings. The settings are important because they control the process to ensure quality and consistency in what is produced. If settings are absent or incorrect, the process is uncontrolled produces bad results – defects, scrap, customer complaints, […]

Early History of CI in Higher Ed

The idea of improving teaching and administrative aspects of higher education is not new. Complaints by business people about college graduates in the early 1900s resulted in a study commissioned by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and a report titled “Academic and Industrial Efficiency” (1910). You can read the entire report here. The complaints by business […]

Continuously Moving Assembly Line—Speed, Work Content, and Length

This second post on continuously moving assembly lines will look at the math behind the correlation between the speed of the line (line takt or customer takt), the length of the line, and the amount of work that has to be done on the line. Luckily, the calculations are not very tricky. And, different from […]

Lessons Well Learned

Nearly every current or former Toyota employee can tell you the wonderful things they learned about The Toyota Way (TW) and about the Toyota Production System (TPS). But of course, not all of us have had the benefit of working at Toyota Motor Corporation. But, some of us are fortunate to have learned about TW+ TPS […]

Does This Chart Show a Clear Reduction — Or Variation?

I saw this chart recently that shows the monthly average length of stay (LOS) at a hospital: The narrative about the chart said it was: “”continuing a trend of reduced variation and improvement in length of stay results, [down a total of] 24% past 12 months” But is there really a statistical trend there? Of […]