It only took me ten years

It only took me ten years

Let me quickly mention that last week’s post, Clearing the decks, prompted some subscribers to get in touch. Thank you, I was touched! Sincerely, all is well here – I’m just glad of some extra headspace and flexibility. If I can be nerdy about it, it’s always good to open up options – to improve one’s capacity for independent action, one might say 🙂

Anyway… It’s ten years to the month since the publication of my first book, Kanban from the Inside, which I believe can fairly be described as a Lean-Agile classic. Since then, I’ve published two editions of Agendashift, then Right to Left in both written and audiobook form, and Organizing Conversations came out just a few weeks ago. That last one prompted me finally to ask Amazon to sort out my Amazon Author page so I have everything properly in one place at last! Here it is for the UK, the US, and Germany (three of the four books are available in translation).

In celebration of that 10-year milestone, I’m doing a webinar with my friends at Businessmap (formerly Kanbanize) the week after next:

In the past few days, I reached another milestone, the first complete draft of book 5, Wholehearted: Engaging with Complexity in the Deliberately Adaptive Organisation. There’s still a long way to go on that (it won’t be published this year), but we have plenty to talk about. Join us! Bring your questions!

From my Amazon Author page – which only took me 10 years to get set up


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At every scope and scale, developing strategy together, pursuing strategy together, outcomes before solutions, working backwards (“right to left”) from key moments of impact and learning.