How to Improve Your Lean Manufacturing Processes in Less Than 90 Days

How to Improve Your Lean Manufacturing Processes in Less Than 90 Days

Improving your facility’s operational efficiency can have a significant impact on your bottom line. However, it can take a long time to see and feel real results. Why? Because many lean manufacturing providers spend too much time in the sales process. You may experience a delay in turning around your proposal, design, and products or vendors that lack efficiency in their own processes. You may also need to rely on multiple vendors to deliver a complete solution—ultimately slowing you down and hindering your organization’s ability to realize greater profitability.

So, how can you refine your lean manufacturing processes faster? After all, the sooner new structures and processes are in place, the quicker you’ll experience a return on your investment. The experts at Geolean USA understand the importance of a swift implementation, and our team has the experience to handle all parts of the process—the right way. Regardless of your chosen solution provider, here’s how your facility can achieve lean goals in 90 days or less.

The Critical Importance of Time to Implementation

There’s no time to waste when it comes to your facility’s lean goals. By improving your lean manufacturing processes, you can reduce waste, enhance ergonomics, improve productivity, minimize risks, and optimize efficiency. All of those benefits result in greater revenue, improved employee retention, and a safer workplace. That’s why it’s critical to select a solution provider that can deliver lean materials and structures on a competitive timeline.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Solution

When evaluating solutions to improve lean manufacturing processes, consider these factors:

  • What is their experience in lean manufacturing or within your industry?
  • Can they meet you onsite or via video call?
  • How quickly do the assembly materials ship?
  • Are assembly materials in stock?
  • What are the lead times for assembled structures?
  • What is the implementation process timeline and time to value?
  • Does your team need training after the installation?
  • Do you need a customized solution?

The Steps to Maximizing Production in 90 Days

Transforming your facility’s productivity doesn’t have to be a years-long process. Here are some proven steps to ensure a timely implementation and significant savings in 90 days or less.

#1. Meet with Decision Makers

Determine which decision makers, end users, suppliers, or other vendors should be involved in the discovery process. Whichever suppliers or vendors you choose should meet with your team, either virtually or in person. They should ask questions about your facility, industry, and lean needs, and identify actionable steps to improve your lean manufacturing processes—including on the shop floor, with the people doing the work, where it will impact your organization the most.

#2. Scope Your Project

After the initial discovery phase, you will need a comprehensive project proposal. The proposal should incorporate all the insights gained during the discovery phase and provide personalized recommendations. During this phase, you will get a better understanding of the experience your vendors have in your industry’s lean manufacturing processes. The recommendations should be realistic and rooted in best practices, as this will support your roadmap to the future state of manufacturing.

#3. Approve the Design

After you receive the initial proposal, make sure to plan for adjustments or follow-up questions. Your solution provider should be able to quickly make additional recommendations to accommodate your needs and achieve your goal. During this phase, vendors should send you updated design concepts until you feel confident moving forward. It is critical to review design concepts quickly so that your vendors can move forward on shipping and implementation.

#4. Receive Your Materials

Next, you must account for the time it takes your vendors to ship the materials and structures for your solution. If any of your vendors are unclear about lead times, clarify them upfront. Unforeseen, lengthy lead times can cause serious project setbacks. Consider choosing vendors that keep most of their assembly materials in stock for quick shipping. Also, remember that if you are working with multiple vendors, a delay from one vendor may hold another vendor which could impact your project timeline. 

#5. Install Yourself or Hire Experts

Once you get your materials or structures, it’s time to install them. You should try to limit disruptions on your shop floor during the installation phase to maintain productivity. If you’re unsure about installing yourself, you can leverage a vendor’s installation services. Make sure the vendor you choose has the expertise to ensure products are assembled correctly, placed in the most efficient locations, and that the material flows with the rest of your lean manufacturing processes.

#6. Seek Necessary Training

Your team may need ongoing training and support after installation. Executing these improvements to your lean manufacturing processes isn’t “set it and forget it.” Rather, it can be a first step in creating an improved culture of continuous improvement. By investing in training for your team, you can help them to appreciate the purpose of lean continuous improvement and the processes and systems you designed for better material flow. It is wise to partner with a team of lean manufacturing experts skilled in training.

Key training factors and support services to consider:

  • Design Training: Help your team educate themselves on ideal designs and best practices to optimize your lean manufacturing processes. Do they need training on design software modules?
  • Hands-on Workshops: Teach your team how to assemble materials and structures, from basic construction to application design. Workshops should result in physical change when possible, not just the brainstorming of ideas. 
  • Design & Assembly Guides: Create or use the guides from your vendor that include everything you need to know for proper assembly of engineered equipment, ensuring it will perform well for many years to come.

Customize Lean Solutions to Your Unique Facility

Your facility’s lean journey is unique. When undergoing improvements to your lean manufacturing processes, consider customizing solutions that align with whatever stage you’re at in the journey. Geolean USA will meet you where you’re at. We’ll support you with the level of resources you need—whether looking for quick-ship products for a DIY project or seeking an enterprise-level transformation of your entire facility’s efficiency.

Additionally, we can customize structures to fit your goals. Aside from our ready-to-order, standardized structures, the Geolean USA team can custom-engineer designs that fit in your space and accommodate your lean manufacturing processes. From flow racks to message boards to workstations and more, our custom services can help you bring your vision to life.

Ready to Transform Your Lean Manufacturing Processes This Quarter?

Your lean goals are within reach. With Geolean USA, you can improve your lean manufacturing processes within 90 days—setting you up for success in the next quarter. If you want to learn more, ask questions, or get started right away, get in touch with the Geolean USA team.

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