Introducing My AI Chatbot

Introducing My AI Chatbot

I’ve noticed that sometimes people are reluctant to speak with me. So now, if you like, you can talk to my AI chatbot instead! Just click on the illustration of me on the lower right-hand corner of any page.

Like me, the AI chatbot is a friendly guy. Sometimes he talks in a tough tone as I do, but he means well. His heart is always in the right place, even if his words are not.

The chatbot gives you quick access to a bounty of knowledge, insights, and wisdom gained from over 30 years of research and practice. I think you will really enjoy it!

Ask the chatbot any question and it will do all the work to figure out an answer based on the trove of practical information on

If you ever get tired of talking to the chatbot, I happily invite you to chat with me live via Zoom. Just contact via LinkedIn or email, and let’s have a fun conversation together!

By the way, if the chatbot hallucinates, please let me know (send an image of the output) so that it can be further trained to produce better results. Thank you!